Thank a caregiver

Use the menu below to see how you can support TMC:

Within our walls are ordinary people doing extraordinary things every day to take care of others. Your stories of how TMC employees have touched your life humble us, inspire us, educate and motivate us. Whether you share your story or nominate one of our employees we love to hear about your experience.

Nominate a Nurse for The DAISY Award

The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. If you're a patient, a visitor, a fellow nurse, a physician or an employee you can thank your nurse today!

Honor a Guardian Angel 

To honor the TMC physician, nurse, housekeeper or other caregiver who made a difference in your visit or stay, go to Guardian Angel Recognition to make a donation and share your story today.

Share Your Story

Your story can bring hope to others facing similar medical challenges, raise awareness, and support those whose passion is patient wellness and health. We would love to hear about your positive experiences at Tucson Medical Center. Contact us at

© 2025 TMC Health. All rights reserved.

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